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9 Results for search "Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke".
Mothers of twins are more likely to be hospitalized with heart disease within a year of giving birth, but researchers say the risk appears short-term.
A new study finds flossing at least once a week may decrease the risk of stroke independent of your other oral hygiene habits like brushing.
Researchers compare the impact of three classes of sugar on cardiovascular disease and find sugar-sweetened beverages may do the most harm.
New research shows GLP-1 agonists, like Ozempic, and SGLT2 inhibitors, like Farxiga, help lower the risk of secondary stroke, heart attack and death in stroke survivors.
A new study finds standing without actual movement or exercise has no real cardiovascular benefits over sitting.
Two new studies help identify beverages that may increase or decrease your risk of stroke when consumed frequently.
A new study suggests women with endometriosis have significantly higher odds of heart attack and stroke.
A new study finds people who use their cellphone on a regular basis are more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure and stroke. Poor sleep and mental distress linked to cellphone use may play a role.
A new study out of the Cleveland Clinic finds consuming erythritol increases blood clot formation, a major cause of heart attack and stroke.